Popular Pages
Taco Bell has around 10 experiences a year, each filled with new items and menu changes. Learn all about past and current experiences here.
Test Items
Taco Bell will place test items throughout the country during each one of their experiences. Learn all about test items here.
About this Wiki
This wiki was created by Living Más, the Taco Bell Fan Community, as a resource for information on all things Taco Bell. While some of this information was originally available on our website, we have transferred it here to be more easily accessible and to allow for a collaborative effort to help push the information along. Our goal is to be the largest source of Taco Bell information available online.
First time here? No problem.
To begin your dive down the rabbit hole we've created category pages to start your search. Kick off your experience by choosing people, places, events, food, or miscellaneous.
Add to the Wiki!
Building a wiki from scratch is no easy feat. That is why we'd love to have you on board for the process. To apply please visit the membership page. To assist your application, please fill out a contact message as well explaining how you'd like to help and any experience given with wiki's. This wiki codes in CSS but is fairly easy to pick up for anyone new.
What are you waiting for?
Crack open that Nachos BellGrande lid, grab your Baja Blast, and explore!